Margaret Flynn
English at Birchfield is at the very core of our curriculum. The ability to communicate and understand both the written and spoken word is vital to a child’s academic and social development.  The department aims to develop the imagination and creativity of our pupils, to instill a love of reading and an appreciation of English Literature that will remain with them into adulthood. Our targeted reading scheme with built-in rewards ensures all our pupils are keen and progressive readers.
We begin in Reception introducing a variety of schemes to secure a good grounding in reading, writing and speaking and listening so that all our pupils begin to communicate successfully both orally and in written forms very quickly.  The English programme is written with reference to the National Curriculum but is adapted and modified where required to include a broader spectrum of challenges, with the Common Entrance and Scholarship syllabi forming the basis for teaching in the prep part of the school. The English GCSE is undertaken from a diverse and enhanced foundation of learning.
We encourage pupils to be enthusiastic, responsive and knowledgeable readers with the ability to express themselves imaginatively, eloquently and accurately whilst also providing the full range of opportunities and technical skills necessary to allow our pupils to develop confidence and competence in writing.
There are a range of opportunities built in to the academic calendar each term for pupils to showcase their talents in English, such as our annual Spoken English, Handwriting and Creative Writing Competitions. The subject also benefits from a comprehensive programme of visits and touring productions, aimed to introduce pupils to a variety of experiences which in turn challenge and shape their communication skills.